Monday, August 23, 2010

August Updates

Sitting at Earth Fare enjoying yerba mate and a vegan cookie today and I thought I'd share a bit of my recent happiness with my readers.

September is just around the bend as with the new month comes 3 major stressers into my life.
Marriage, moving, and job change are three of the 5 biggest stressers a person can go through and all 3 at once are already making my life hectic.

Chad and I are getting married September 21st! I am so excited and the idea of spending the rest of my life with this wonderful man puts a smile on my face every day when I wake up and see his sleepy blue eyes (sorry to make you gag).
How do I deal with the stress of needing my dress hemmed, randomly remembering that the officiant still hasn't been paid a deposit, and poking and prodding my groom into a suit? I remember what this day is supposed to be all about, love and unity.
My wonderful parents are giving Chad and me a lovely wedding getaway so that we don't have to worry about family drama, who's gonna be a bridesmaid, money, and that chad and I just cannot pick a wedding cake flavor. I'm sure you know many married couples who will gladly advise you to elope due to the useless stress of a wedding and the debt afterward. I know I've certainly heard too many stories about brides spending their wedding receptions in tears over some family member or other saying or doing something to ruin the evening.
My advice as a bride-to-be, remember that this is about you and your husband-to-be, not about a cake or a dress or even a piece of paper. Remember the reason you said Will You Marry Me? and Yes! Remember this day is about starting the rest of your lives together, not about flowers and not even about the rest of your family.

Moving! We will be moving ot Lexington, KY a WEEK before the wedding! That's packing, moving 4 hours, unpacking, getting used to our new surroundings, and then repacking to get married in New Orleans, LA. If that's not enough to stress someone out, I'm not sure what is!
How to get around moving stress...
Well, the best thing to keep in mind is that it will all work out.
Next, don't procrastinate. We are already packing, throwing out things we don't want, and taking bags of stuff to the local thrift store. There is just no point in packing everything at the last minute only to realize once you get to your new home and question the purpose of a box of broken china meant for a mozaic that is never gonna be made...ehem...
Pack the knick knacks and pretties first. You wont' be using them any time soon and this way you'll remember aunt whatserface's fan and that fairy tea-light holder Chad bought me last Christmas...
Pack winter/summer clothes that you wont be wearing for another 3 months, or use a few as packing between those china plates and ceramic tea cups.
Stay happy by renewing your excitement about your new home and imagining how it's going to look decorated for Halloween...or that's what I'm doing anyways.

New Jobs!
being between jobs is always going to be hard. Thankfully, we don't have to worry too much about being without a job thanks to my industrious step-dad.
Best thing I can recommend for job hunting stress though, is pray. Pray about everything but in job hunting pray for the job meant for you, the one that you will be happy in, the one that will help you meant your monetary needs. Try not to be too specific because it could be that the job at the book store could be dealing with a horrible manager or the position at that office is only temporary which will have you looking for another job in a matter of weeks.

No matter what stressers are in your life, remember
Find ways to be happy
and good tings will come your way

Love and light,
Happy Chick

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shut Up!

So, I thought I would share with you all a thought I had today that was totally directed to myself but might be beneficial for you, my readers, as well.
I talk A LOT! (My mother and other family/friends who read this are laughing and nodding in agreement right now because this is sooo true). My AP English teacher in high school taught me the word Loquacious early on as one of my terms to know for SAT, ACT, and other testing. She said I shouldn't have a problem learning and using this word since it pertains to me.
Loquacious: chatty, full of trivial conversation, talking A LOT

What does this have to do with happiness?
Well, I wanted to tell everyone, from the bottom of my heart and with all kinds of love, to SHUT UP!
Quit talking constantly and feeling like you have to fill up quiet time with friends, family, spouses, partners, so on with meaningless conversation.

I realize that my fiance and I tend to not talk hardly at all in the car or when I'm writing and he's playing around with his guitar or whatever. At first, I wondered, is this a bad thing? Shouldn't we have more to talk about? What does it say that we've been together for almost 3 years and have already grown quiet around each other?
Then I realized, this is a good thing! We don't need meaningless, trivial conversation to enjoy each other's presence. We can merely sit together with the comfort that this other person who loves me so much is just a foot or less away and if I did have something important to say, he'd listen!

A meditation I've heard about often is called eye-gazing and this can be practiced with your partner where you just sit together in quiet and gaze into each others eyes until everything else falls away and you become completely relaxed and calm. How cool is that?

This also relates to sitting alone. You don't have to be texting every 3 seconds or on the phone or on the computer chatting it up all the time. Sit and be still. Don't even let your inner voice jabber on about things or your thoughts run wild.

Be quiet, shut up, be still...with love and happiness of course!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

10 Tips to Choosing a Drama-Free Life!

I found this article wile looking into Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch and their raw businesses/media/etc. I thougth I would share the 10 Tips because, I don't know about you, but I work and live among people that love love love drama, whether its their own or others or they create it.

Angela is a very mellow person, at least on camera, and she has used her passions to create nto only a business and her books but to express her lifestyle to others in hopes that they too will become healthier.


Indulge: Raw Ice Cream!!!

So I've been reading a lot about Raw Food lately, mostly through watching The Renegade Health Show and other shows like it on YouTube. I am not a raw foodist myself, nor to I necessarily advocate raw food, but I do want to encourage healthier living.

In I Chose Health, I asked one day (and the question has not been answered) is Milk bad for you/me?
Recently, I started drinking Almond Milk (which is delicious, I must say) and was reading about how it has as much Calcium as regular milk with a lot less fat, cholestoral, etc. So this must be healthier, or so I think ^_^
Now, that having been said I will acknowledge one of my vices: Ice Cream.
I am an Ice Cream Feind! I love it and I think I always have (according to my mother, this is, in fact, the case). Now ice cream has milk in it as well as tons ofsugar and fat and corn syrup and other yecky things that I am learning are really bad for me...but I still love ice cream. So what do I do?

I was watching The Raw Food World on YouTube and saw that they were eating raw ice cream at a vegan restaurant called Mary's Secret Garden in California. I thought, "mmm ice cream." Then I thought, "raw ice cream?"
So I did some research and found some recipes!
Here's a video from The Raw Food World! It looks yummy but I wanted to add that if you aren't a hardcore raw foodist and don't feel like dishing out the money for special Agave or Cacao powders then you can use cacao, cocoa, chocolate, carob, etc. and HONEY (my personal fav, which I can get fresh and local right now).

Also consider adding:
Spices like cinnamon
Nut butters
Whatever you like ^_^

Happy Living Exercises

First off, sorry for the gap in posting. I've been busy with work and my studies and my writing, which I am sure you have seen on my I Chose Health blog and my Suite 101 account.

Recently I have been reading Kevin Gianni's book, High Raw, which is such an amazing read even if you don't plan to go on a raw food diet (which I'm not on so I can't really recommend it).
In High Raw, Gianni not only gives so much information on how to know if the health news on t.v. and in the newspaper is reliable (always find who funded the research) and about how to get and stay healthy, but also tips on how ot live and healthier, HAPPIER life!
He gives 4 exercises that, as I was reading, I felt they could be applied not only to getting healtheir but getting happier, which is what this blog is all about.

High Raw Exercises 1-4
These exercises do not have titles or deadlines.
Gianni also adds "You don't need answers to make changes in your life, just questions."

Exercise 1
Ask yourself:

What can I do tomorrow that will healp me reach my goals?
How can I improve my health?
What can I do to get healthier right now?
Who can help me improve my health?
What can I do to get the best water possible?
How can I help more people today?
What's the best way to get the best results?
What's the fastest way to feel better?

Exercise 2
What are you Passionate about?
What am I doing right now? Do I like it?
How do I want it to be?
How do I want to feel?
Once I achieve these goals, how will I feel?
What makes me truly excited?
What do I really like to do?
What makes this fun for me?
What are my dreams?
What motivates me?
What's important to me?
What am I doing to feel my best?

Exercise 3: The Perfect Day Exercise
Think about your perfect day and answer these questions, be detailed.
How would you wake up?
When would you wake up?
Who would you wake up with?
What would you see or do when you wake up?
What would you eat?
How would you spend your day?
Who would you spend your time with?
What would you have for lunch?
Who would you eat lunch with?
How would you feel through the day?
This exercise is your catalyst:
After answering these questions, make a list of 15 actions to take to move closer to your vision.

Exercise 4
How do I feel?
Am I feeling my best emotionally and physically?
What would it be like to feel my best?
How important is it to feel my best?
What are my priorities right now?
If I want to feel my best, am I willing to make it my top priority?
If it was, what would I be doing differently?

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Funner Things In Life

I love the message in this video and wanted to share it.
How to be happy!


I just thought I would post a
Happy Summer Solstice
for all and a belated
Happy Father's Day
for all those daddies out there.

Hope you all celebrated in your own way even if its just and acknowledgement of the holiday/season change.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Indulge: Dandelion or Red CloverFritters

I found this recipe in the Wild Foods Cookbook by Rosalee de la Foret.

So many of us consider dandelions and those pretty red clovers in our lawns as weeds that need to be destroyed so as to have a nice green lawn like those on golf courses. Sadly, this causes the destructions of some of nature's most nutrient filled herbs. Below is a sweet or savory recipe to help people learn that those pretty red and yellow flowers are more than just lawn weeds.

1/3 c flour
1/3 c milk
1 tsp baking powder
1/3 c cornmeal
1 egg
Dash of sea salt

Sweet variety:
1 tbsp honey (or to taste)
Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg to taste

Savory variety:
Thyme, rosemary, oregano, or other savory herbs to taste.

A lot of Dandelion or red clover blossoms. Be sure when picking these that you aren't gathering them from a treated area (treated lawns, golf courses, road sides, along powerlines, etc)

Try coconut or another good frying oil.
Olive oil will not work with this.

Mix dry ingredients.
Add egg and milk.
Dip flower blossoms and fry in hot oil until golden brown.

Check out Rosalee's blog for more Dendelion and wild food recipes and posts including a video on how to make Dandelion Wine!
Her e-book Wild Foods Cookbook can befound at the Learning Herbs site hosted by the Gallagher family.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Do something creative...for someone else!

I would like to promote a new goal that has bright me happiness and could do the same for you.

Recently, I needed henna clients for examples of my henna work. The examples were needed for certification exams (which I am still...having problems with sadly).
Since I have a many friends who love henna art, it was easy to find test subjects ^_^

Mattye and Alysheba were great henna clients and have experienced my work in the past. Both requested custom work and sat wonderfully still during the application.

So what? you ask...

I realized how happy doing somethign creative not only made me but Mattye adn Alysheba were all smiles the entire 2 hours or so it took to henna their hands/feet. As we waited for the paste to dry, we talked, poked fun at our men, and enjoyed our time together.

I wanted to suggest that everyone should do something creative in general, but not only that, do something creative with or for others! Sharing your work and spending time with people you care for can be a great way to spread the joy!


First off, I am loving these new templates through Blogger! Special thanks to their design team!

I have created a new blog via Happy Chick account called I Chose Health.
As I stated in the intro post on the health blog, I am not leaving I Chose Happiness, I am simply creating a health blog so I don't fill this one up with posts on lavender and green tea.

Also, I want to thank all of my family, friends and readers who are praying for the Oil Spill, our Government, and our World. Choosing Happiness doesn't mean denying that there are sad and upseting things in this world. Pray and educate yourself, but don't let all this insanity anger/worry you (it not only effects your life but your health).

Friday, May 21, 2010

Be Happy through Loss

This past year or so, I have lost family members, a friend, and two days ago a beloved pet.

One would wonder if happiness is appropriate in the face of such loss. I say, it is perfectly appropriate.
All religions that acknowledge afterlife, say that death is only a beginning, that great joy and experience lies beyond this mortal coil.
Funerals in the past were not just ceremony and full of grieving but celebrations of life.

When faced with the loss of a loved one, remember their lives, no matter how long or short, remember the love and joy they brought into this world, and remember that they will carry that love, joy, and experience onward.

I will miss you
Aunt Venus
Lil Bit

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Be happy...even if you're mad...

With the recent occurance of the oil spill in the gulf and the government showing less and less competence... it can be very hard to still be happy.

Remember to pray
Remember that some things are not in your control
and remember some things are...

THe oil spill does make me wonder why those in charge, or at least those with the money, couldn't have built wind turbines and solar panels rather than dangerous oil facilities in the middle of the Gulf where it can be so damaging. I also ask why no one considered something like this happening and had their multi-million dollar collection of engineersfigure out a way to fix it...

there's my rant I stay happy.

I am not able to fix this myself.
I am, however, able to pray for the engineers, the politicians, the environmentalists, and everyone else who has a hand in the situation.
Please let those in Washington quit playing the Blame Game and put their heads together to find a way to fix this before the oil does any more damage.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Indulge: Sunflower Seed Cookies

Celebrate the Sun coming out with this unique recipe!

1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. softened butter
1 c. sunflower or vegetable oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 tsp salt
2 c. unsalted sunflower seeds, shelled

Preheat oven 350 F.
Mix sugars, butter, and oil in a bowl.
Add other ingredients and mix into a dough (I recommend using your hands in this process)
Roll dough into small balls and put on greased cookie sheet and flatten with a fork.
Be sure to dip the fork in sugar between cookies.
Bake 10-12 minutes.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Get Addicted!

University of Arizona (and other colleges I'm sure) have studied the chemical compounds of emotions such as happiness, stress, sadness, etc. By doing so they have shown that the body creates specific compounds per emotion and for each compound the body creates a receptor.
The more of a compound your body creates, the more receptors are created.
What does this mean?

Well when your not feeling that emotion, your body is not creating that compound but the receptors are still there and they will cause cravings for that compound.
This means that your body can actually become addicted to an emotion, any emotion, including happiness.

The bad news.
This also means your body can become addicted to stress. Ever find yourself with nothing to do but relax and enjoy yourself but sure that this free time means you must have forgotten something or something bad is about to happen to ruin your good time? This is your bod's reaction to stress addiction.

Also, your body can develop other receptors to compounds you put into your body, like nicotine.
Nicotine compound is very similar to that of happiness. Your natural happiness receptors take in this compound and later develop nicotine receptors instead of happiness ones, creating addiction.

The good news.
Addiction can be stopped and receptor creation reversed. By starving the receptors, they will lessen in number, making your craving for that compound lessen.
When starving nicotine receptors, slowly but surely, happiness receptors will take their place.

Just a thought the next time you stress over a to-do list instead of taking a break or reach for that pack of cigarettes.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Loosing Weight with Auryveda

Permanent weight loss can only occur when the body's fat ideal is lowered.
Auryveda believes that speeding up the body's organism in healthy ways to lose weight. It controls the Vata while relieving the system of excess Kapha. By using excercise, natural supplements, and non-Kapha-producing foods in a process that is slower than most dieters prefer. They definitely believe the idea of haste makes waste.

If you are morbidly obese you weight loss needs to be under the guidance of a competent professional.

Symptoms of being overweight:
Pendulous belly, breasts, and buttocks
Panting for breath after mild exertion
Profuse perspiration when it is not hot
Excess thirst, especially at night
Intense food cravings
Prolonged but unsatisfying sleep
Unpleasant body odor
Inflammation where skin folds rub against each other
Generalized body ache
Loss of sexual appetite
Lack of enthusiasm for living

If you do not suffer from many of these symptoms then you should not attempt "heroic attempts to loose weight."
Focus instead on bringing your body into balance.

Affluence of the mind causes obesity. Once the mind overcomes boredom and eating out of boredom then transformation can begin.
Transformation needs to be your goal, not loosing weight. Reducing weight happens naturally with transformation of mind and habits.

Spring is the best time to begin but any time is a good time, even if it is beginning again.
Every attempt will benefit you, if it is sincere.
Eventually, you are bound to succeed.

Exercise is important for permanent weight-loss. Continual, moderate exercise is better than vigorous exertion. However it suits you, you must get your body moving.

Oversleeping is a significant cause of being overweight. To reduce weight, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. After a month of a regularized sleep patter, reduce your sleep by half an hour.
Except when ill, no one should sleep longer than eight hours a night. Some people can go with six hours, others need seven or eight.

Eat foods according to your Prakriti or constitution. These can be found on auryvedic websites or in books like Prakriti by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda.
Auryvedics recommend fasting once a week according to your constitution. Some recommend fasting or Juice fasting at the beginning of your diet. You can find an article on juice fasting in my list of websites.

Slow down while eating. think about the food n our plate. Let all five senses prepare for what you're about to consume. Some people count to three after each bite. Make sure the previous bite is consumed before taking another.
Stop eating when full.

Keep a journal of what you eat to help be conscious of the foods you digest. Make a menu of your meals before you eat. All too often we eat without thinking, this allows awareness of our eating habits.

Lusting after food can actually add fat to your body. Instead of fantasizing about food, take a walk, chew sugar-free gum, or drink herbal tea.
Turn off the Food Network and other shows about food!

Reward yourself!
When you've done one of the above for a week, reward yourself by the intake f Sweet through another sense. Get a strenuous massage (deep tissue massages aid in ridding yourself of Kapha). Listen to sweet sounding music.
Never punish yourself for backsliding!
Punishment for failure reduces hope, reinforces guilt, and ruins self-image.

Most importantly, whenever and whatever you eat, enjoy yourself. Think about your food and enjoy it.

avoid the following Kapha-producing foods:
Beef, pork, butter, cheese, ice cream, sour cream, wheat products, white sugar and products containing it, alcohol, fried foods, junk food, fast food, and all excessively sour or salty foods like pickles and chips.

It is most important to focus on your constitution. All Doshas and dhatus, including Fat, must be healthy to loose weight.
Change your diet gradually; speed and extremes will only cause failure and unhealthy lifestyles.
Do not salt your foods. If you crave salt, us light salt or kelp powder.
Avoid sweeteners but allow yourself regular use of honey (do not cook it). Honey has a fat-reducing effect.
Take fiber when you crave sweets. Fiber helps the body balance itself in response to sweet cravings.
Do not reduce carbohydrates. The body needs them to reduce fat.

Try not to eat after sunset.
Eliminate all cold drink and food. Cold creates Kapha, this is why we get colds in the winter.

Reduce the amount that you eat. Kapha constitutions should wait 6 hours between meals, 2 at the least.
Drink water when thirsty but 6-8 glasses is not mandatory like most physicians and nutritionists would insist. Warm to hot water or herbal tea melts fat.

Some auryvedics recommend vitamin supplements. Talk to your physician before taking a regular supplement!

Many auryvedics recommend flushing the system with castor oil before you begin your diet and follow this with fasting. Again, talk to your physician before doing this.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Forgiveness is necessary

Very simply:
you must forgive others and yourself to be happy.
Not so simple:
this is, how you say, "easier said than done," yes?

Most major religions demand forgiveness.
This comes in 3 parts:
Asking forgiveness of God, the Divine Creator
Forgiving others in likeness of the Divine
and forgiving yourself in turn.

If you do not forgive others, not only does this hurt your relationship with others but this hurts yourself.
Vengeance is a meal best served cold and excellent when not served at all.
Holding grudges has a rotting effect on your soul.
Let go and let be. You do not have to be best friends with the person that wronged you but you should love them: meaning you should wish them to be happy.

Forgiving yourself is harder.
You are your own worst critic. Even when others and God have forgiven you, can you forgive yourself for what you have done no matter how minor or major the transgression?
I want to define two terms before moving on with my sermon of sorts.
Guilt and Regret are two different things.
Guilt is recognizing what you've done wrong and believing you are unworthy of love because of it.
Regret is recognizing what you have done wrong and resolving not to do it again.
Now class, which of the above is a healthy response?
Yes, regret.
By forgiving yourself and showing regret, you are not saying that what you've done is now ok but you are allowing yourself to move on.

If you are guilt ridden this is like your soul slowly rotting and going bad.
Guilt leads to more sin and bad habits.
Guilt can lead to drugs and alcohol, to bad relationships, to depression and harming yourself and those around you.
Example: if you have cheated on your spouse and do not forgive yourself and are in turn filled with guilt, you may never have a healthy relationship again.

My recommendation:
Recognize what you have done wrong
Ask for forgiveness of others if applicable
Ask for forgiveness of God
Forgive yourself
Show regret in that you will do your best to not do this again
Move on and be happy

Friday, March 19, 2010

Indulge: Hummus

Indulge will be recipe posts because i think we should all indulge a little bit.
Hummus is a favorite of mine and my friends and my mom. Its perfect to just much on when reading or watching tv or as a party food. You can find hummus at the store but its so easy and inexpensive to make that I wanted to encourage that option.

Basic Hummus Recipe
15 oz Can of Garbanzo beans
1/4 c tahini (sesame seed paste)
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 clove of garlic, crushed through press
1/8 tsp salt
reserved garbanzo bean liquid to taste

garlic press
food processor
hummus container

Drain the beans over a bowl, reserve liquid
Process beans, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and salt until smooth
Add liquid 1 tsp at a time and process until hummus reaches the consistency that suits you (i like it the same creaminess of mashed potatos).
Serve as a dip or spread.

red pepper
green onion
and so much more. Have fun with it.

I reccommend with veggie chips or baked pitas.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Get Up, Get Out

For those of you, like myself, who have had a streak of warm weather and sunshine, Get up off your bums and get outside!!!

Take your morning coffee, or, if like me, you have the day free, spend the day in the sunshine. Lay out a blanket, take a sandwhich and a bottle of water, and a good book, and bask in the new warmth.
Wear a skirt or shorts and a light top so that the light doesn't just touch your face.

Sunshine is medically proven to lighten the mood, something to do with vitamin D.

Oh, and remember sunblock.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Would you care for a spot of tea?"

Tea is one of my favorite things in the whole world and, of course, makes me happy.
Many people, when thinking of tea, have an image of some see-through, brown-gray beverage drunk by lil old Brits or green tea drunk by the Japanese (depending on what sort of movies you watch, I suppose).

Tea to me, is more like wine ot many others. There are so many types, flavors, etc that to taste all of them would take a lifetime. Also, like wine, there are the inexpensive types and types that would cost more than I could make in a year working over min. wage.

The basic differences in teas. First there is the obvious: bag and loose. Tea bags can sometimes contain dredges of tea leaves (also called fannings) and often loose tea's true taste (there's not much to protect the tea in putting it in a bleached bag and a cardboard box). Loose teas are usually the way to go, especially if you can find and afford to buy them at a shop specializing in organic, local, and fresh produce.

The other major difference is tea vs. tisane (aka. herbal tea).
Tea is actually only tea when it involves leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant. These are the teas sub catagorized as White, Green, Oolong, and Black. If the tea you are drinking does not have Camillia leaves, it is not a tea but a tisane.
Tisanes are made from herbs (chamomile, peppermint, rose hips, etc) and are equally yummy and good for you, just in different ways.

Best way to brew tea?
Everyone will probably differ a little bit on how to brew and drink your tea.
Me? I heat my water, usually just to the point right before boiling (its an eye thing). I then pour the hot water over the tea (if its loose, use 1 tsp. per 8 oz of water in a strainer, tea pot, or diy tea bag) and let steep. I usually do this by eye as well. When the water is thoroughly tinged with the color the tea is (golden yellow for chamomile, dark and black for black tea, etc) I take out the tea bag/remove the strainer and set the tea to the side for a second use (yes, teas can be reused, though the second time calls for a longer steep).

What sweetener I use depends on my tea. White/natural sugar is used in most of my teas but for green, white, and florals I use honey (my fiance's family has their own hives. For those of you not this lucky, use natural honey bought at the local stand in the warmer seasons).
Many teas are sweet by themselves and can be drunk without sweetener but I have a strong and demanding sweet tooth so I've yet to experience this.

Next time you want to reach for the coffee try a strong black chai (some chai teas even have vanilla or chocolate in them for a gourmet cafe flavor). Or when you want some hot cocoa to relaxe with try chamomile instead. Teas are a healthy and wonderful drink to add to your happy life.

My Blog is in REDBOOK!

Just kidding.

February edition of Redbook magazine was filled with lovey-dovey tidbits as well as articles about taking care of Mind and Body.
On page 97, there is a small article that instructs someone who wants to have a happier outlook to make post-it notes on go-happiness activies ("Listen to 'Love Generation' on repeat or dance it out") and affirmations ("I choose to be happy")!
This affirmation is what my blog is all about, and it made me very happy to see someone else (James Baraz, author of 'Awakening Joy') agree.

More in this issue was feng-shui lover pick-me-ups and 5, 20 minute, ways to relax.
My favorite was #4 Get your Game On: play a casual video game (no this does not mean feed your WOW addiction).
Not sure that I agree with #3 Sniff Some Coffee. As a rehabilitating caffiene addict trying to steer away from coffee (Dr. Svoboda says caffiene is a credit card your body cannot pay) sniffing coffee makes me want to drink coffee. It would be better to use orange and lemon scents to wake up and lavender, peppermint, and vanilla to relax.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beauty deeper than skin

I used to focus on my weight constantly. Having never been skinny or slender, I would look at everyone around me in a sort of the vs. me mentality. I would see other women and point out how pretty this feature or that is and when I looked in the mirror I saw only faults.
Not only is this thought process not healthy and negative thinking only keeping me from looking and feeling happy, but I now know that this is also blasphemy.

All women and men are created by God, a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic divine. To say someone is ugly is to say that the Creator is in turn ugly. Everyone is beautiful, don’t think otherwise.

So, in saying all of this, why diet or watch my weight?
I am now the largest I have ever been. This wouldn’t be a problem, but in gaining weight, I have put a large amount of pressure on my small bone structure (I’m 5ft tall with the bone structure that my art teacher says never really moved out of pre-puberty). Also, I now have blood pressure problems and with my family’s history of heart disease, I don’t need to push my luck.

So that leaves the question of how?

There are so many diets and lifestyles and so on out in the world and all can be easily learned about with a little online research. I will post my decisions on this blog but I recommend that everyone find something that works best for them. What I do will not be the wa for everyone and I don’t expect it to be.

I have tried being a vegetarian and I would love to live organic but really can’t afford to.
I love pasta and cereals so Atkins didn’t make sense, and I wasn’t about to starve myself.
In the end, the chosen path sort of fell in my lap.

I found out about the Auryvedic diet from a friend of mine when we were discussing Indian religion and lifestyles. The next day I saw a show on the Travel channel about a town in Iowa that all lived on the Auryvedic lifestyle. The day after that, I visited the local used book store and found Prakriti by Dr. Svoboda...well, nothing happens as a coincidence...

After reading Prakriti (which means constitution) I learned a lot about Auryvedic medicine and lifestyle, but, most importantly, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that my doshas are Pitta-Kapha, that a lot of my constitution is based on my food and lifestyle choices and on my genetics (my mother is also Pitta-Kapha), and that by eating and living right, I can not only change my weight but my mood, the way I view life, and the way I interact with people!

The best part of Auryvedic dieting? I don’t have to drastically change my life. I can introduce and change foods and I can change the way I eat.
Svoboda says the best way to eat is slowly without focusing on tv or internet. Kaphas, like myself, should wait at least 2 hours (6 hours is best) between meals.

I will post more about my Auryvedic diet and the like in other posts, but anyone who is interested in it, especially those iving in the US and Western World, should read the following books.

Prakriti: Your Auryvedic Constitution by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda
What’s Your Dosha, Baby? by Lisa Coffey
Lisa Coffey also runs a blog and website WhatsYourDosha

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Power of Prayer

Studies show that prayer relieves stress. Many people out there will give a big shout of “Duh!” but in reality such a statement should be contemplated.
Most people, I admittedly used to be one of them, would only pray when in need (whether that is for the traffic to move to prevent yet another late day at work or to save a loved one from a terrible fate). It is in our times of desperate need that most of us will ask for aid.

However, part of choosing to be happy is choosing to not wait until the last minute on anything!

By praying every day, you can reduce stress. Prayer not only connects you with God and the Divine but also allows you to slow down.

In the morning, pray over the coming day. If something is coming up that might cause stress or issue, pray for strength to handle it. If the day is uncertain in most/all aspects, pray for an open mind and heart to have a good day.

Pray over meals. This not only gives thanks but also slows down your eating. Scarfing down a meal isn’t healthy and taking a moment to give thanks and see what you are about to partake of will allow the mind and senses to prepare for the sensory upload about to happen.

Before going to bed, take time out to think about the day and pray. Let go of anything bad that has happened, ask forgiveness from God and from your own conscience for the wrongs you have committed, and focus on having the needed rest for the night.

Most cultures around the world believe in the healing power of prayer. This power need not be reserved for the big times, for illness and pain, but for every day. Use it to heal your mind, body, and spirit daily. And give thanks for the joy in life!

Why I Chose Happiness...

Growing up, I, like many women growing up in the Western World, have dealt with obesity, stress, ulcers, migrains, allergies, menstrual issues, kidney and urinary tract infections, and so on and so on in a list only my doctor could say.
Going to college only made matters worse with the added stress and bad food choices.
Dating added that extra nesting fat.

Enough is enough.
I've decided to be happy.
What does that mean?
Choosing to be happy is more than choosing to be healthy or to loose weight or to destress.
Choosing to be happy is to make a lifestyle change.
I am choosing to not be tired, stressed, aggrivated, frustrated, upset, or angry. I am choosing to take matters at hand and do what I can to make my life better.

In this blog, I am posing the different strategies and plans I have to battle back the commonality of an unhappy life. This includes everything from aromatherapy to recipes to fun stuff that I do in my life.

I am hoping this blog will encourage others to Choose Happiness.