First off, I am loving these new templates through Blogger! Special thanks to their design team!
I have created a new blog via Happy Chick account called I Chose Health.
As I stated in the intro post on the health blog, I am not leaving I Chose Happiness, I am simply creating a health blog so I don't fill this one up with posts on lavender and green tea.
Also, I want to thank all of my family, friends and readers who are praying for the Oil Spill, our Government, and our World. Choosing Happiness doesn't mean denying that there are sad and upseting things in this world. Pray and educate yourself, but don't let all this insanity anger/worry you (it not only effects your life but your health).
Don't forget to link this blog to the healthy blog, don't see a link over there, it's my job to nag