Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Be happy...even if you're mad...

With the recent occurance of the oil spill in the gulf and the government showing less and less competence... it can be very hard to still be happy.

Remember to pray
Remember that some things are not in your control
and remember some things are...

THe oil spill does make me wonder why those in charge, or at least those with the money, couldn't have built wind turbines and solar panels rather than dangerous oil facilities in the middle of the Gulf where it can be so damaging. I also ask why no one considered something like this happening and had their multi-million dollar collection of engineersfigure out a way to fix it...

there's my rant I stay happy.

I am not able to fix this myself.
I am, however, able to pray for the engineers, the politicians, the environmentalists, and everyone else who has a hand in the situation.
Please let those in Washington quit playing the Blame Game and put their heads together to find a way to fix this before the oil does any more damage.

1 comment:

  1. The reason it wasn't fixed is because they didn't want it fixed. It has to be the biggest oil disaster in history so that they can have a reason to stop drilling altogether. Now, they can easily move gas prices up to $10/gallon.

    It's also another distraction...distraction from what the other hand is doing. It's the Obama magic show.
