Saturday, July 24, 2010

Indulge: Raw Ice Cream!!!

So I've been reading a lot about Raw Food lately, mostly through watching The Renegade Health Show and other shows like it on YouTube. I am not a raw foodist myself, nor to I necessarily advocate raw food, but I do want to encourage healthier living.

In I Chose Health, I asked one day (and the question has not been answered) is Milk bad for you/me?
Recently, I started drinking Almond Milk (which is delicious, I must say) and was reading about how it has as much Calcium as regular milk with a lot less fat, cholestoral, etc. So this must be healthier, or so I think ^_^
Now, that having been said I will acknowledge one of my vices: Ice Cream.
I am an Ice Cream Feind! I love it and I think I always have (according to my mother, this is, in fact, the case). Now ice cream has milk in it as well as tons ofsugar and fat and corn syrup and other yecky things that I am learning are really bad for me...but I still love ice cream. So what do I do?

I was watching The Raw Food World on YouTube and saw that they were eating raw ice cream at a vegan restaurant called Mary's Secret Garden in California. I thought, "mmm ice cream." Then I thought, "raw ice cream?"
So I did some research and found some recipes!
Here's a video from The Raw Food World! It looks yummy but I wanted to add that if you aren't a hardcore raw foodist and don't feel like dishing out the money for special Agave or Cacao powders then you can use cacao, cocoa, chocolate, carob, etc. and HONEY (my personal fav, which I can get fresh and local right now).

Also consider adding:
Spices like cinnamon
Nut butters
Whatever you like ^_^

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