So, I thought I would share with you all a thought I had today that was totally directed to myself but might be beneficial for you, my readers, as well.
I talk A LOT! (My mother and other family/friends who read this are laughing and nodding in agreement right now because this is sooo true). My AP English teacher in high school taught me the word Loquacious early on as one of my terms to know for SAT, ACT, and other testing. She said I shouldn't have a problem learning and using this word since it pertains to me.
Loquacious: chatty, full of trivial conversation, talking A LOT
What does this have to do with happiness?
Well, I wanted to tell everyone, from the bottom of my heart and with all kinds of love, to SHUT UP!
Quit talking constantly and feeling like you have to fill up quiet time with friends, family, spouses, partners, so on with meaningless conversation.
I realize that my fiance and I tend to not talk hardly at all in the car or when I'm writing and he's playing around with his guitar or whatever. At first, I wondered, is this a bad thing? Shouldn't we have more to talk about? What does it say that we've been together for almost 3 years and have already grown quiet around each other?
Then I realized, this is a good thing! We don't need meaningless, trivial conversation to enjoy each other's presence. We can merely sit together with the comfort that this other person who loves me so much is just a foot or less away and if I did have something important to say, he'd listen!
A meditation I've heard about often is called eye-gazing and this can be practiced with your partner where you just sit together in quiet and gaze into each others eyes until everything else falls away and you become completely relaxed and calm. How cool is that?
This also relates to sitting alone. You don't have to be texting every 3 seconds or on the phone or on the computer chatting it up all the time. Sit and be still. Don't even let your inner voice jabber on about things or your thoughts run wild.
Be quiet, shut up, be still...with love and happiness of course!
Great post, learning to feel comfortable in silence is also learning to feel comfortable with yourself and it does get easier with age. As you get older, you will feel more comfortable in the quiet because you are more comfortable with who you are.