Just kidding.
February edition of Redbook magazine was filled with lovey-dovey tidbits as well as articles about taking care of Mind and Body.
On page 97, there is a small article that instructs someone who wants to have a happier outlook to make post-it notes on go-happiness activies ("Listen to 'Love Generation' on repeat or dance it out") and affirmations ("I choose to be happy")!
This affirmation is what my blog is all about, and it made me very happy to see someone else (James Baraz, author of 'Awakening Joy') agree.
More in this issue was feng-shui lover pick-me-ups and 5, 20 minute, ways to relax.
My favorite was #4 Get your Game On: play a casual video game (no this does not mean feed your WOW addiction).
Not sure that I agree with #3 Sniff Some Coffee. As a rehabilitating caffiene addict trying to steer away from coffee (Dr. Svoboda says caffiene is a credit card your body cannot pay) sniffing coffee makes me want to drink coffee. It would be better to use orange and lemon scents to wake up and lavender, peppermint, and vanilla to relax.
Ugh! an anti-coffee posting! Doesn't make me very happy!